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Academy for coaches, parents and young athletes!

Winning team

Performance & Flow

Sportikus has a flair for the beautiful game. He has mastered sports skills, he knows how to fight and he knows how to let go wisely.


Fair Play

Sportikus has a sense of fairness. He knows how to play by the rules, and challenge others on the path to excellency.


Life Skills

Sportikus has a goal to grow. He is an active member of the community that strengthens the character through actions.

A good human being!

"When we explore the ethical practice of sport, we necessarily touch on the fundamental dimensions of sport and human beings. Of course, we have to ask ourselves who and what is at stake: the top sporting result or the human being? We want both! But it is clear: without man, there is no sport!

So let's start with being human!"

Moral power!
Emotional stability!
Mental flexibility!

Sportikus is a pioneering educational toolset integrating sports training with character development and life skills. Rooted in the belief that sports offer a unique avenue for personal growth, Sportikus provides a comprehensive learning experience for playful children and young athletes with competitive ambitions, equipping them with essential life skills that transcend the boundaries of the playing field.

Sportikus and Sportelina Rap Song

Yo, I'm Sportikus, playin' fair's my game,

Respect on the field, yeah, that's my name.

Win or lose, I hold my head high,

With integrity, I reach for the sky.


Hey, I'm Sportelina, I play with grace,

Support my team, but no one I disgrace.

Unity and love in every cheer I shout,

In this game of life, there's no room for doubt.

Sportikus and Sportelina, spreading the cheer,

In sports and life, we're always here.

With courage and unity, we light up the night,

Forever we stand, with heart full of light.

Sportikus and Sportelina, leading the way,

In sports and life, every single day.

Friendship, respect, we always shine bright,

Together we stand, in this game of life.

Together we laugh, together we train,

In victories and losses, we all gain.

Friendship and joy, we spread far and wide,

Sportikus values, we share with pride.


Do not forget the World, 
when you are in the world of Sport!

"Sport is neither good nor bad. Sport is what the person who practices it is. In sports, children and young people can make lasting friendships, gain a wealth of life experience, learn how to perform, plan and achieve success, manage stress and get to know themselves well, and develop their physical, emotional, and mental capacities!"

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A youth coach is a good pedagogue


Be a heartful and mindful pillar of support


Programs for talented youth

from 12 to 18 years

Become a Sportikus Partner

Do you share the love of sport that serves humanity?

We are willing to bring Sportikus Academy to your country.

Push below and send us an e-mail!


is a sportsman who plays well, 

a spectator who cheers culturally, 

a referee who judges fairly, 

and a parent, teacher, coach, or official who leads effectively.


A turn-key solution to develop psychosocial skills through sport!

The program is scientifically based, socio-pedagogically and psychologically sound, and focused on experiential learning.

Partners & References

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  • Olympic Values Education Programme, International Olympic Committee: good practice

  • European Fair Play Congress: good practice reports

  • International Safeguarding Children in Sport Initiative: working group 2019-2020

  • EU Think tank Sport & Citizenship: scientific board

  • Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia: Expert working group on sportsmanship and violence in sport in schools.

  • I came to Play International Basketball Camp - FAIR PLAY SESSIONS,  Serbia 2008-2011

  • NBA Without Borders - Life Skills Sessions, 2011 Ljubljana

  • European Sports Convention 2015; Council of Europe, Strasbourg 8-10 July: “Humanism and Cultural Diversity in Sport"

  • EU Sport Directors General Meeting: Slovenian presidency of the EU  (4-5 February, 2008): “Multiculturalism and the context of sport”

  • National Program of Sport in Slovenija 2014-2023: good practice

  • EU Youth Sports Forum 2012: Best Practice report

  • UN Youth sports leadership workshops, Berlin 2014: “How to lead, connect and communicate the idea of Social Inclusion through Sport” & “How to manage the social change process.”

  • EU-IPA Social Inclusion of Underprivileged Children and Youth through Sport, Turkey 2013-2015

  • Published in: Olympism, Olympic Education and Learning Legacies. Cambridge Scholars „Sportikus – A Model for Value Based Education“

  • International Conference on Ethics Education: "Modelling character development and integrity through competitive tensegrity in sport"

Eye-opening courses!

Lessons learned and recommendations from the SPORTIKUS DELEGATE seminar - PROTECTING THE VALUES OF SPORT


... teacher of sport education at school ... Miran Abram

"A seminar where you can actively participate and where your opinion counts. It opens your eyes, or at least reminds you that something needs to be done for the "dream" society and environment and that your contribution is worth believing in."


... and this from a volleyball coach ... Katarina Vraber

"I really liked the seminar, especially because a few months ago I decided to put an end to the unsportsmanlike behaviour of coaches, referees, parents and fans, at least in the halls where I will be personally present. But since I didn't know how to deal with it, I signed up for the seminar. The lectures were the first thing I got to confirm that I was thinking the right way and that the other participants in the seminar also agreed that certain actions do not belong in sports facilities."


... from the tennis coach ... Aleš Florijančič

"The registration for the Sportikus Delegate seminar was clearly based on the idea of gaining new knowledge and some additional breadth in my own views on sport and fair play in relation to it. The final impressions exceeded expectations and are extremely positive, as the lecturers and participants managed to find the right mix of loose debates and serious ones. Perhaps some segments of the seminar were even inspiring and eye-opening for me personally. People who believe in kindness and fairness, in the absence of positive and complementary relationships with each other and the values of the current society in general, can sometimes lose hope for a better future and a "clean" sport."


... and this ... Aleš Florijančič

"With a common vision of Sportikus, a united representation of the most important values of sport as one of the primary human needs, like-minded sports workers should become ambassadors and "whistle blowers" of Sportikus' ideas and precepts in all segments of society. In education, from kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and colleges to sports clubs, in various debates, seminars and events, and above all in the media, which nowadays have a great deal of power and weight in society and in everyday life, starting with the family as the basic unit. I can add my own piece to this mosaic in my own work environment, in society and on social networks, and perhaps elsewhere."


... and this ... Aleš Florijančič

"Sport is much more than just competing and winning. Sport is enjoyment, socialising, fun, a way of life and, if you are honest about it, it brings immense satisfaction. A seminar of this kind can (re)infuse an individual, through a group of like-minded people, with additional energy and the will to take an active approach to educating others in sport and to focus on finding its 'purity'."


... from a football coach ... Zlatko Vučenović

"The seminar broadened my picture and view of the sport. I have the feeling that we are all focused on the positive aspects of sports and turn a blind eye to the negative. I like facts and I try to act on them and this seminar brought back and refreshed my memory about the negative facts that are present in sport and that need to be dealt with."


.. and from another football player ... Dane Kitič

"A very good seminar... I was skeptical at first, but in the end, I didn't regret a minute of it... the seminar had a soul and always evoked emotions, feelings, and decisions that we know would be the right ones, but many times we don't go through with them because of one thing or another."


... from the handball coach ... Mateja Ivanc

"The impressions, feelings, and thoughts were unique, but above all positive. Before the seminar, I had no idea that it would be so interesting and exciting. But when the seminar itself started and every time after the seminar, there was real positive energy, positivity, and optimism. I think we need to organize more seminars like this. Your lecture was also very extensive and it is difficult to pick out anything here as well. But I would like to mention the messages that perhaps stuck with me the most. A good example was, for example, when you gave us the values to list, which described the kind of society we want, and on the basis of that I understand that, of course, I have to live up to these values myself, so that I can slowly start to make a difference. The second thing is that, in ethics, it is important where the line is drawn (this is especially true with younger people). We need to show young people the solutions through actions, not through personality. And lastly, I also found it very interesting how there are constant patterns within the family or even society, I will just state it with questions and it will be immediately clear: How much did you get at school? How did you do in the competition?...and then we expect the children to believe us when we say that the RESULT does not matter, they will not believe us. Dr Milan, thank you very much for this two-day training, it was great and I hope you will do something like this again."

... and from the hockey coach ... Rok Prusnik

"The best coaching seminar ever ... Why? Experienced experts in their fields, were adorned by their interconnectedness. Their strength is their attitude toward fairness; the main guideline is a nice, healthy attitude in sports and in general. In short, the most important values are underestimated in life and yet very necessary in life. Even in our Slovenian context, as is slowly becoming clear."


... and also from a table tennis coach... Miloš Peperko Živkovič

"The first inescapable feeling is that there are not enough of such trainings, that there is not enough exchange of experiences from different fields and different sports. And this is what we realize precisely at such seminars, which raise concrete problems that Slovenian sport is facing. That is why I welcome and support any action in a similar direction. Ethics: an area where a lot of work will be needed to educate and train people who will spread the importance of ethics in sport to all areas of Slovenian sport.

Above all, it seems to me that the sports sphere will have to understand that without adherence to agreed ethical criteria, there will be no real connection with the rest of society. It is sport ethics that is the glue that should bind sport into society."

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