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Inspirational & Mindful & Embodied Coaching

Grounded spirituality

“The art of living… is neither careless drifting on the one hand nor fearful clinging to the past on the other. It consists in being sensitive to each moment, in regarding it as utterly new and unique, in having the mind open and wholly receptive.” by Alan Watts

The polarity of the realms we live in is a set-up that triggers our senses and calls for effective responses. The only way to wisely calibrate such tensionality is to go inward, where we are confronted with our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs and laws.

Aligning, therefore integrating, all these realms into temporarily embodied wholeness is the pathway towards a healthy, meaningful, and compassionate life.

The program covers interventions and activity plans regarding the needs and

agreed goals according to the

MatrixOfChange game plan. 

The individual life-coaching sessions are supporting the clients on the go following the mapping according to the client's goals and KPIs. In addition, we use the Enneagram psyche typology and Resilience Diagnostic assessment: a 60-factor survey that enables individuals to receive an instant resilience blueprint, and aggregate group reports for organizations.

On this journey we use thematic interventions and effective tools from the following:

integral breathing, biohacking, stress resilience, mind-hacking, flow,

meditation, shadow-work, synchronicity, compassion, cognitive reframing, philosophy of life, leadership, communication, emotional intelligence, parenting, etc.

A short contemplation by dr. Hosta on life in flow!

The joy and grit of Spiral Living

You know it's about time to put your spirit into embodied action. 

The joy found in the energy flow that runs through us is vibrant. 

The conscious web of life is being embodied with us when we successfully integrate all

three major systems of the organism 

mental, emotional, physical. 

Fine-tuning of the complex human organism is done through

a sensitive emotional feedback loop.


And when you win 3 in a line, the reward is your unlocked potentials. That is the moment when you feel the whole of nature is covering your back so that you can playfully express and enrich the biodiversity. With this know-how written in our genes, we take an active part in the evolution of the playful creations of the conscious Universe.

dr. Hosta on personal Copernican shift and  language

World class partnership for corporate resilience

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